Every drop of Budweiser Budvar lager is slowly brewed in České Budějovice, or Budweis as it’s known in German. This makes our beer a true Budweiser, literally a lager brewed in the city of Budweis. Proudly owned by the Czech Republic, a nation universally renowned for the quality of its beer, Budweiser Budvar is a product of the country’s diverse geography and geology, its fertile soils and perfect climate. So, it’s made using the best ingredients in the world; rare and rich aromatic hops from the Saaz region, sweet barley from the plains of Moravia and pure water from Budvar’s ice age well.

Product information


Availability 50L Keg
ABV 5%
Country of Origin Czech Republic
Special Diet Vegetarian, Vegan
Beer Type Lager

About Budvar

Made using the same traditional method of brewing since 1895, and 5 key ingredients:

  1. Natural Soft water from the ice age aquifer 300m underneath the brewery. Absolutely pure, and dates back to 1000 years ago
  2. Moravian Barley, which creates Budvar’s golden colour, sweetness, body and taste – it’s the real soul of our beer.
  3. Whole-cone Saaz hops, highly valued for their smooth bitterness and complex aromatics and so precious it is referred to as ‘Green ‘Gold’.
  4. Yeast, the unsung hero of brewing and essential for fermentation. But not just any yeast, Budvar’s own in-house yeast strain, a recipe safeguarded since the origin of the brewery in 1895.
  5. Time, lager’s crucial fifth ingredient. Cold-conditioned at 2 degrees Centigrade for 90 days. It is the very definition of lager, which means to store or keep.

Budweiser beer holds Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) status in the European Union, just like Champagne and Cognac, making it illegal to produce outside its designated region. Being state-owned is not just about our origins; it reflects our entire approach to brewing and the values we uphold. We prioritise provenance over profit and brewing over business, aiming to serve our nation of stakeholders with pride and authenticity.